Expression Engine ReCaptcha extension

The plugin is for Expression engine sites that are looking for reliable advanced Captcha in comment submission. rnrnh3. Downloadrnrn”Download”: version 1.2.1 of ja_reCAPTCHArnrnh3. InstructionsrnrnThe ‘ja_reCAPTCHA’ extension contains an extension and language folder. To install ja_reCAPTCHA follow the instructions below:rnrn# Download the latest version of ja_reCAPTCHArn# Extract the .zip file to your desktoprn# Copy everything in /extensions/ folder to your /extensions/ Expression Engine directoryrn# Copy /language/english/lang.ja_recaptcha.php file to your /languages/english/ directoryrn# Activate ja_reCAPTCHArnrnh4. Activationrnrn# Open the Extension Managerrn# Enable Extensions if not already enabledrn# Enable ja_reCAPTCHArn# Configure ja_reCAPTCHA with your public and private keys. (you can obtain these keys by registering at CodernrnJust add “{if captcha}{captcha}{/if}” within your “{exp:comment:form}” tags.

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